Princess Margaret Secondary School is a well respected high school in the small town of Penticton with about 700 students. The teachers are well educated and for the most part know what they are doing. The teachers push students to reach their goals and even chase them down to make sure they achieve the passing grade. After constantly complaing to the principal about how this student didn't get his work in on time and how this kid hasn't attended class for a week, the teachers came up with a policy. The "no zero" policy. The no zero policy was put in play to help those failing students who refuse to hand assignment in on time and with this policy you have all the time you need.
So the teachers give out deadlines on assignments but really it's a suggestion to when the students should hand the assignment in. By invoking this policy the teachers think that they are making it easier for them but when you think about it the teachers can give out an assignment at the start of the year and students can hand it in at the end of the term. Rather than mark the assignment throughout the year the teachers have chosen to mark them all at once. The teachers get this sick twisted drive from hunting students down.
By invoking this policy the teachers are intending to help the students achieve a higher grade. Who cares about punctuality as long as they graduate. This policy also teaches a great life lesson that if you constantly dont show up and hand in assignments on time that your boss too will change the rules for you. The no zero policy is the best policy ever and is here to stay.
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